dimanche 4 janvier 2009


So this is it! The New Year is here and with it comes a fresh new season of CHAMPIONSHIP (include heroic music here). That’s right! Anyone considering running in -20 degree weather with a hellish wind chill is a champion in my book. The goal this year: a sprint triathlon (750m swim/20km bike/5km run) one 5K in April and three 10K runs in the fall (Ottawa, Quebec city, Montreal).

First week of training went well. I spent it in an ashram running up hills in Val Morin. I noticed a definite improvement in my fitness compared to this summer and felt wonderfully happy snowshoeing in the woods surrounding the ashram. It was of course impossible to follow my training plan exactly (biking?! On this ice? Riiiiiight. Let’s go snowshoeing instead). Kitchen duty carrying huge pots of food for one hundred people replaced the strength training I was supposed to do. I did lots of yoga so my body is nice and limber at the start of the season.
I’m nervous about the new training plan I’m using though. It feels like it’s not nearly enough to make me improve but last season did bring its lessons. I ended up underperforming and frankly burned out because I had a hard time balancing the three disciplines that make up the triathlon. This time, I’m following a plan faithfully. No improvisation anymore… Let’s hope the plan is good though (include nail biting here). Let’s hope the plan is good.

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