jeudi 15 janvier 2009

Week 20. BRRRRRRR. Champions awake!

A frigid week of training and I had to get to my training sessions at 7 and 6 am this week. Walking and taking the bus in this weather brings out the inner champion in me or the inner crazy woman. I'm not sure I know which.
This morning I managed to do my first spinning class of the year. Dear God these people are fit! It made me realize what an important asset this will be for the bike portion of the triathlon.
I also started yesterday my once a week Master swim class feeling comfortable in the water. The coach has promised me she will help me eat up a few seconds in the swim portion of the triathlon.
In other news I learned that the swimming portion of the triathlon will be done in the rowing basin this year which means... no black line to follow...Crap! I'm going to ask my swimming coach to show me how to swim by landmark. I also need to get a wetsuit. I'm signed up for it with KIJIJI.
Thankfully, all my running is done for the week.
I'm heading to the pool for the second workout of the day. I can't say I enjoy my hair turning to ice when I come out of my swim. The problem is I'm usually too impatient to dry it thoroughly... hence the ice...
Training very early has some advantages, by 7 or 8 am I'm done and can have breakfast with friends, anyone interested?

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