jeudi 11 mars 2010

The knee is looking better

Aaaah, sigh of relief. I received a massage yesterday and I must say it's nice being ON the table rather than beside it giving a massage. She worked on my hip and it looks like the problem nagging at me is actually my quadratus lumbarum. I'll see today as I run with Marketa. We're going for an easy 4 miler tonight. It will be so nice running in the sunshine! We have been running in the dark all winter and frankly, it loses some of its magic for me. You never see exactly what you're stepping on and I'm always afraid she'll lose her footing (it was her winter running).

My swimming class in the morning was just heavenly. Only 1,85K but I just swam enjoying the feel of the water and actually stopped five minutes before the end. It was nice to leave the tank a bit full. Anyways I'm going back tomorrow followed by a hot yoga class and breakfast with a friend. What better way to start the day. Thank you God.

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