vendredi 4 septembre 2009

The Moose gets her Ass Kicked in Marathon des Deux Rives.

Yes dear reader. The Moose was beaten by six minutes by her triathlete colleague. Did I mention that the colleague is 12 years older than the moose? Yes . Twelve years. You read right.
I suppose that means there is hope. Perhaps in twelve years the Moose will kick serious ass. Perhaps. Or perhaps the Moose will get sucked into the downward spiral of catabolism, the body’s natural aging and decaying process. Oh dear. Let’s not go there. Of course I was very happy for my colleague Micheline, who is a tremendous athlete (and did I mention she finished first in her age group in last month’s triathlon?).
Meanwhile, let us mention how beautiful the course is in Quebec City. The course starts on the banks of the St-Lawrence River and ends in the heart of Old Quebec. It’s our Big Sur equivalent. The tide was low as we started and filled as the race went on. The weather was perfect, cool and rainy. I didn’t suffer in this race, just kept a remarkably even pace (7.1 min/k) no matter the terrain. Next stop, Marathon de Montréal on Sept. 13th.

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