samedi 9 janvier 2010

The moose takes a rest

Yes after pounding regular 35ks a week, the Moose takes her running rest for the month of January. Even though the Moose is no gazelle, she still pretends to be kenyan and therefore takes a prescribed time off to do cross training, take yoga classes, receive massages and get back to her fighting weight. The triathlon weight gained last May (6 lbs)is almost gone (no it wasn't muscle alas).

In other news, a running comrade has challenged the Moose to run Lasalle this spring. I told her she needed to provide transportation. She says she would and therefore ... I will see you Lasalle again this year. We will see if the Moose breaks the sound barrier.

My thoughts are with Micheline Thibodeau who is as we speak climbing the Aconcagua, a mountain as high as camp 2 at Everest. To support her endeavour see:

My computer is still getting a major rehaul (windows 7) which explains my long absence off the web. I wish you all an excellent year full of health, wealth and joie de vivre.

Happy new year of running to all.

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