mardi 20 octobre 2009

The Moose has a New Running Partner.

The grieving period must stop eventually. My beloved running partner Amira moved to the states two years ago. I‘m still not over that one. The Chips and Dips Running Club dissolved before that with members moving to Scotland and Ontario. Ugh. I have gone through all the grieving stages but it’s time to turn a new leaf. Her name is Marketa, she lives two doors down from me with her husband who plays the guitar by night and works in a bank by day. They’re both from Czech Republic. She runs every day at Lafontaine Park. She packs a solid 11 minute mile. Thank you God. My goal of clocking a 30 minute 5k next year in St-Bruno is suddenly well within reach…
A question remains however. She does low mileage every day, I run longer three times a week and cross train. What method will get us fitter? We’ll soon find out dear reader but so far so good. I’ve been coaching her in what to wear for winter running, iron tablets and so on… She keeps me nice and fast… er. We’ve clocked a nice 10:49 mile the other day. Gooooood.

I can’t really explain what is happening but it would seem the Moose is speeding up slightly… I ran around Lake Raymond (Val Morin) during the Thanksgiving weekend and actually clocked a 10:10 mile without even trying. I guess the beautiful scenery just lifted me off the ground. Hmmm. What is going on? Will the Moose turn into a gazelle one day? A rocket? Well. Well. Well. We”ll have to see now will we? Tune in.

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