jeudi 18 mars 2010

Totally addicted to running

Alright, so I have all the information about my knee and yet I'm loathe to ease up again on the training. My half-marathon is in 72 days, 16 hours and 32 minutes. I'm completely unprepared for it as we speak.

At the same time there is my racing partner to think of. When one of us is injured, the two of us suffer... Marketa likes running with me too. She told me last week how it helps her run better, not to mention the stress releaving goofing off as we run. What to do, what to do. The antinflammatory drugs are helping. I think I will simply run tonight then wait a full 10 days and take NSAID drugs (antinflammatory). I've begun taking a homeopathic remedy today and I must say it helped.

I miss my long runs. Marketa misses them too. She loves to see how long she can run: 7-8-10 ks... It motivates her, but me and my bum leg... and those darn palpitations all the time... I'm getting my last heart tests next week. Running on, running on. I was so happy to have resolved the nagging hip problem last week with my massage therapist... Oh well (Eeore voice), I'll see with my homeopath next week if she do something more for me.

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