mardi 6 juillet 2010

Chi running becomes interesting

Well, well, well. Who would have known this Chi running could actually be worth it? As far as racing times are concerned, we will have to see but I am definitely more curious then ever. I have been reading the book for the last few days. Breyer (founder of Chi running)keeps putting the emphasis on technique saying that it will eventually bleed out in all other areas of our lives if we practice.
I'll be darned but today it did show up in my swimming. I was swimming with my newfound 'body consciousness' (staying aware of all responses in the body as one moves)when I noticed that I lift my left shoulder too much as I turn to breathe. It creates added and unwanted water resistance. I may have just eaten away 30 seconds of my swimmimg time in the upcoming triathlon...Well,Well,well. Maybe it was worth my 269US$

1 commentaire:

  1. Moi je suis curieuse de savoir qu'est-ce qui arrive avec la course quand c'est la canicule? De mon côté, ça fait 5 jours que je n'ai pas couru. Le matin, je n'ai pas l'énergie pour courir, et après le travail il fait trop chaud.

    Et pour toi?

