jeudi 22 avril 2010

The road to hell...

So here's the thing. I wanted to make my running partner happy. So, I think to myself: "why not share with her my favorite training route? Let's run on Jacques Cartier bridge, run around Ile Notre-Dame, witness the city scape at sunset and then hop on the metro and return home happy and elated?"
It sounded like a great plan.
The problem is the golden rule. Never treat other people the way you want to be treated. I've now learned my lesson.
First of all, Marketa (unbeknownst to me) hates heights. Thus, a run on Jacques Cartier bridge just made her want to vomit. The beautiful site of the St-Lawrence river moved her not at all.
Then, there were the cars. We ended up running downwind which means that we inhaled quite a pint of arsenic and lead from traffic on the bridge. I, personnaly don't really care. I don't like it, but I tolerate it. Not so with our poor Marketa who was just one hair from throwing me off the bridge. Thankfully, there are barriers to prevent such a thing to be done.
Lastly, Marketa doesn't yet have a sense of distances which is very stressful to her. She runs with me but has no idea when we will stop. I keep telling her the mileage as often as I can but it's still not easy for her to pace herself.

Oh dear. And to think I wanted to make her happy...The road to hell

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